Lavender Fields Forever

There’s a place. Just over the Canadian border.


A place that captivates your senses, your spirit and your heart.

It is a place filled with beauty, magic and heavenly aromas.


Bleu Lavande…with its endless fields of lavender

Where time stands still and you are transported into a world like no other.

Enchanting, fragrant and seductive. A feast to behold and devour. Prolific and bountiful. Soothing and serene. Nature’s amazing abundance.

The lavender fields…a place where you could linger



There’s Something in the Air

Or perhaps it is something inside of me. I feel myself expanding and growing, opening and blossoming.

Last summer I journeyed to the edge. I explored new territory and dark places within me. It was a time of healing.


This summer I am still journeying. I am still exploring…

but it is with new eyes and a grateful heart


I have discovered so much that I never thought possible. The world around me is more vivid, more beautiful, more alive. And me…I feel more alive than I ever have felt before.


I am not sure where or when or why this shift and transformation happened…perhaps it is something in the air.


Or perhaps it is me.

The true me, finding her way out into the light.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Symbol


I discovered this compass on top of hill near rocky cliffs on the coast of Maine. I have used it frequently in my writing. To me, it symbolizes what my life is all about. The path I’m traveling, and my journey towards myself. The compass reminds me, life takes us in many directions. Sometimes we get lost. And sometimes we get found. And sometimes in getting lost we are found.

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Symbol.”

The Taste of Summer

It seems to take forever to get here. Summer here in Vermont is notoriously late. A chilly and wet June dashed hopes of it arriving on time. But when it does finally arrive…it is a time of delicious celebration. A feast for the senses.


And so we immerse ourselves in the glorious scents and sounds and…tastes of summer.

Scrumptious rich sunsets


Delectable warm waters


Juicy succulent flowers


Heavenly blue skies


Sweet luscious fields


Enticing aromatic forests


Mouthwatering ripe gardens


There is a certain flavor to summer. It is a time that awakens and arouses all of our senses.


It is a time to savor and enjoy and taste…every last morsel.
